Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Healing Diet day 17

It has not been a breeze to go through the last 17 days of no Dairy, Sugars, or Grains but I am glad I have persevered and accomplished what I have so far. The biggest obstacle or temptation is when other people offer things I should not be having. I have done o.k. because the cravings I used to have are dramatically lowered. My boys on the other hand were not able to say no as easily. This diet is very strict and the food choices are narrow, so I do not blame them. I thought they were courageous for even trying to do this with me. My 9 year old son is still going strong. Once in a while he will have a little of something before he realizes or is told that he shouldn't and then he steers clear of it. He is a trooper and I am tickled with his determination. He is proud of himself too. We both look forward to 2 weeks from now when we can add some things to our diet that will make this process a little easier like more fruits! That will be so nice!
  Here are some of the details of what I am doing.
    This is the leaky gut/ yeast cleanse that I am following. I love the way herbs gently but effectively heal.

 Body Ecology by Donna Gates
This is a book that has filled in some of the details that have been helpful in following the recommendations from the School of Natural diet. It gives specifics on what kind of sugars to allow, how to make probiotic foods, why this diet is important and so on. It has been a great resource as I try to heal. I have read a lot of health books and can say that this one is full of great information and worth owning and highlighting to reference again and again.

Clean Gut by Alejandro Junger
This book also was a help in figuring out that it was my gut that needed to be healed. The author prescribes a bit different of an approach than herbs but I believe it would be just as beneficial. It has points that I needed to know as I have embarked on this healing journey and it was an interesting read. If I could choose just one book it would be the Body Ecology book but if I could get both I would. (I did!)

Be sure and check out the video that I did about how I am coming along! HERE
Happy Healthy,

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